Sunday, December 16, 2007

Best practices for turtle viewing

From the Web site of The Ocean Conservancy:

Live Blue
Travel to beautiful places is more meaningful if leave a positive impact. . . .

Go Local
Wherever possible, use local services. You will get a more authentic experience and contribute more to the local economy. . . .

Protect Beach Habitat
Beaches are a fascinating ecosystem and are the crucial link between land and water. Tread lightly on turtle nesting beaches (or any beach you visit.) . . .

Best Practices for Viewing Sea Turtles in the Wild

In the Water
The grace and beauty of a turtle in the water is a magical experience. Whether boating, snorkeling, or diving, remember that the ocean is home for sea turtles and other ocean wildlife. . . .

On a Nesting Beach
The mystery of witnessing a nesting sea turtle can be a life changing experience. When you visit a nesting beach, go with a trained, professional guide who can ensure your safety and the turtle’s. Nesting turtles are very sensitive to disturbance, which may prevent them from laying their eggs. . . .
On the Web site, each heading has a number of more specific suggestions.


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