Submit photos for 2009 sea turtle calendar
From the Caribbean Conservation Corporation and Sea Turtle Survival League (CCC):
CCC is looking for talented photographers for the first Sea Turtle Calendar Contest. Last year, CCC's calendar was a big success. We want to do it all over again, but we need your help!
Contributing your pictures is a great way to give back to conservation. The sea turtle calendar helps remind people, all through the year, about the importance of these unique animals to ocean and coastal ecosystems. It also includes pertinent sea turtle dates, like nesting seasons and World Sea Turtle Day.
To participate, please submit any of your sea turtle images to by October 1, 2008, following the criteria below:- The image must be submitted by the photographer or include written permission for submission from the photographer;There may be up to 13 winners, including the coveted cover image. Photos will be judged by CCC staff, and winners will be announced on October 31, 2008. By submitting your image to before October 1, 2008, you are granting CCC rights to use your photography for the 2009 Sea Turtle Scenes Calendar only. CCC will not use your image for any other purposed without your written permission.
- Submit only images that follow turtle-friendly guidelines (i.e. no flash images of nesting sea turtles, no images of humans touching sea turtles, etc.);
- Images must be high resolution (300 dpi or more);
- Include a brief description of the image, location, date it was taken and the photographer's name.
Winners will receive a CCC Logo Tote back and recognition in Sea Turtle Scenes. So remember, keep your eyes and camera ready to capture sea turtles in action this summer!
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