Thursday, October 16, 2008

Real men don't need turtle eggs

From CasaTortuga:

Pronatura Peninsula de Yucatán's Sea Turtle Conservation Program focuses on the conservation of marine turtles in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. There are seven species of marine turtles in the word, six of which are found in Mexican waters. Four sea turtle species—the hawksbill, loggerhead, leatherback and green turtle—can be found in the Yucatán Peninsula. Mexico is a popular region for conservation efforts, as it is both a favorable area for nesting and feeding for juvenile and adult turtles. As of May 28th, 1990, President Carlos Salina de Gortari signed an executive order declaring an end to Mexico's sea turtle industry. There is now a penalty of up to nine years in jail for anyone caught killing or capturing the turtle. Mexico also started a promotional campaign to help protect the turtle after 80 Olive Ridley sea turtles were found chopped to pieces on Escobilla beach in Oaxaca, Mexico. The poachers were believed to be after turtle eggs, thought to be an aphrodisiac. The poster reads, “My man doesn't need turtle eggs. Because he knows they don't make him more potent.” See the advertisement here.

Pronatura's main objectives are to ensure nesting success of female turtles by nightly patrols, assess the reproductive health of the nesting population and to contribute information for the management and conservation of sea turtles.


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