Thursday, November 20, 2008

DVD, art, and award from IYOR

A few intersting items from the International Year of the Reef (IYOR):

Coral Reef Resilience DVD
The IUCN/CORDIO/IYOR Coral Reef Resilience DVD is an educational tool useful for managers, teachers, coral reef practitioners or anyone who is interested in learning more about coral reefs and climate change. It focuses on coral bleaching and how coral colonies and coral reef ecosystems can resist and recover from bleaching stress. The DVD explores various environmental and ecological factors that affect a coral reef's resilience to, or capacity to recover from, bleaching, and is a good introduction to the subject. Contact: Learn more about the IUCN Climate Change and Coral Reefs Working Group

AWARE Kids International Year of the Reef 2008 Art Contest
Nearly 1,400 art entries from around the world were received during the Project AWARE Foundation's International Year of the Reef Art Contest. AWARE Kids ages 3 - 12 from contributed stunning art depicting the contest theme "Celebrate the Reef - Every Act Counts". Wyland, Official Artist for International Year of the Reef 2008 and Rogest, renowned marine artist and conservationist, lent expertise to the contest, helping select prize-winners in each age group from Indonesia to Canada, Colombia to Slovenia. View the amazing art winners.

First Environment Achievement Contest to Help Save Coral Reefs
Magic Porthole's First Environment Achievement Contest to help coral reefs is now underway with a deadline of December 31st 2008. The contest, held in honor of the International Year of the Reef (IYOR) 2008, invites individuals of all ages and organizations to participate. It is attracting young and not so young to tell about their own or their organization's efforts to help save coral reefs. Efforts can be what you are doing far from the oceans to help reduce Global Climate Change with energy efficiency and to stop pesticides and other pollutants from getting into the water. Near the ocean shore your project might be to stop trash getting into the water. Nearby coral reefs, your project might be to help reduce damage from inadequately controlled tourism and excessive or destructive types of fishing. Prize winners will be chosen for best efforts and the impact of their actions. The First prize is a trip to a coral reef on board Research Vessel Tiburon with Captain Tim Taylor. Contact Janine Selendy.


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