Akumal water quality program moves forward
From an article by Edith Sosa in the newsletter to Centro Ecológico Akumal (CEA)
I would like to share with you three experiences that the Water Program had in 2008. First, we initiated the process for certification of Akumal Bay, which had many complications since results of the water quality samples, that were carried out over a six-month period, indicated that several points were above standards set for certification (which are the most stringent in the country). However, we are still in the process and concentrating on this project for next year. Another point was the review of sewage treatment in Akumal, both in the town and in the tourist zone, which we delivered to the authorities to be taken into account. Next year we hope that the State Committee on Potable Water and Sewage dedicates resources to provide sewage treatment to the rest of the town. Finally, we are participating in the development of the Ecological Zoning Plan of the Municipality of Solidaridad, which is in the environmental criteria development stage and, once approved, must be take n into account for new development construction in the area.
The importance of watershed conservation is emphasized in this process and key catchment areas have been identified, as well as the importance of aquifer protection in areas that are used for recreational tourism. It was a year with many activities and we thank you all for helping in this effort of protection. Without your support it would be very difficult to continue. I can only wish that you enjoy the holiday season and that next year we can work more closely together for a balance between development and nature.